Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

MST For Project Management

Dear all friends

I have finally finish marking all the MST papers in Project Management and happy that all of you passed. Congrads to all although I was disappointed about some of your results.

Here are the results:

For class DRFSM/FT/2B/21:
Average = 83 marks
Maximum = 96 marks
Minimum = 66 marks

For class DRFSM/FT/2B/22:
Average = 80 marks
Maximum = 94 marks
Minimum = 52 marks

Thank You.
Pls write to me for queries.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mini Project 01 Updates

Dear All

Har har, looks like we can start our mini-Project 01 now.
we have a budget of S$600 million, S$300 million for each class. Yes $ rocks!

By now you should have yr team and theme now.
So the next step is to get Tutorial 1 and 2 going.

Remember yr deliverabls for this Tutorial 1 & 2 is Week 04 & 05 for respective class.
